Admission in Intermediate Classes
Admission in various disciplines is given according to the declared policy of Govt of the Punjab and as per Board/University rules. The students are admitted on merit and only in the disciplines in which they apply.
Forms for admission to the Intermediate classes are received within a specified period of time which is notified on the College Notice Board and in the daily newspapers. The admission forms will not be accepted after the expiry of the last date for submission of forms as announced in the schedule.
- The aspiring students shall submit separate specific Admission Form of the College for admission in Science, Arts, C.S., Intermediate in Home Economics and I.Com.
- The admission quota on the basis of Sports shall only be available for F.A. Arts. It is necessary to attach with the admission form, the certificates of distinction in sports for the purpose.
- For admission on disable quota, it will be necessary to attach the disability certificate issued by the institution competent to issue.
- 2% quota is for the transgender.
- Matric Result Marks Sheet (4 copies), four photographs of 1.5 size (white background) must be attached with the admission form for the admission in First Year.
- Upon placement of name in the Merit List, the candidates must bring with them the following original documents along with the photocopies of the same.
The application forms must be submitted along with attested copies of the following documents:
- Matric Result Card (3 Copies)
- Character Certificate (3 Copies)
- Original NOC in case of Matric from BISE other than Lahore Board along with original (3 Copies)
- Photographs (with white back ground, 5×1.5 size (4 Photos)
- Attested photocopy of CNIC of father/guardian (3 Copies)
- Attested photocopy of CNIC/B Form of the applicant (3 Copies)
7. The admission shall purely be on merit. Parents will themselves be responsible for any illegal dealings with any official/officer/ teacher of the college.
8. Any admission made on account of any electronic mistake shall be deemed as cancelled.
9. If it comes to the notice of the college that the candidate has a conduct, unbecoming of a student, her application is likely to be turned down.
10. The procedure for admission to the intermediate 2nd shift classes will be observed as per rules.
11. It is mandatory for the students to fill their Health Proforma at the time of admission and get them duly signed by the competent authority before submission to college.
How to Apply Online
- Visit your Matric Roll Number and select your Board.
- Select college and Print application processing fee slip.
- Deposit processing fee (Rs 25) at any branch of Bank of Punjab.
Guidelines for Online Application
- Apply from any place that has internet. Applicants can submit multiple applications (to different colleges/programs). In case the student has got herself registered in more than one college, she should cancel all the other registrations herself and should continue with only one registration.
- College will receive particulars about the applicants automatically.
- This facility is available for applying even before Matric results are announced.
- Your matric results will automatically be provided to the colleges with your application.
- The manual admissions process will remain in place.
- Candidates from federal board and boards of other provinces will have to apply on manual system.
Online College Code" 352120"
- 2% candidates are eligible for admission on the basis of sports in F.A. Part-I
- 2% on the basis of physical disability for F.A. /F.Sc. Classes.
- 2% quota for transgender is available.
- Admission forms for specified category must be marked with red ink.
"0" Level/Senior Cambridge Students
- 4% seats are reserved for Senior Cambridge/ 0 Level. They will apply for admission along with matriculation students.
- Students studying in Senior Cambridge or equivalent classes must provide the college with detailed information of their courses and an Equivalence certificate from the Inter Board Committee of Chairman.
- They must submit their Senior Cambridge Certificate along with the Equivalence Certificate to the college office as soon as the result of their exams is declared otherwise the college administration is authorized to cancel their admission. The numerical strength of their letter-grade must come up to the college merit.
- Candidates are supposed to pass in all subject at Senior Cambridge/ ‘O’ level.
- Student seeking admission in F.Sc. must have studied science subject in Senior Cambridge/ ‘O’ Level.
- The students must appear in all the college house examinations.
Change of Subjects
Change of subject is NOT allowed by the Board. Change of individual subjects is not allowed, the students can only change the whole group at the time of admission.